Online Bible Study Tools
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to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth." ~ 2nd Timothy 2:15 |
Searches the King
James Version and 6 Bible Dictionaries |
Versions Concordance
Find the word
or phrase you are looking for in any of 19 versions of the Bible using
this user-friendly study help. ~ Bible Gateway |
Now you can
view any verse side-by-side using any two Bible versions you want to choose.
~ Westover Bible Search |
Henry's Commentary
The standard commentary
containing insights into every verse in the entire Bible. ~
ChristNotes.org |
Bible Dictionary
Look up all
of the people, places, and things in Scripture with explanations an descriptions
to make the Bible come alive as you study it.
~ Westover Bible Search |
Testament Hebrew Lexicon
Developed to
aid the user in understanding the original text of the Hebrew Old Testament
using the Strong's version of the King James and New American Standard
Bibles. ~ Westover Bible Search |
& New Testament Greek Lexicon
Developed to
aid the user in understanding the original text of the Greek Old and New
Testaments, using the Strong's version of the King James and New American
Standard Bibles. ~ Westover Bible Search |

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