a Request for...
"Excellent Baptist Web Site Award"
Let the world know that your Baptist web site is an appreciated and respected
Internet presence. |
The "Baptists" Award...
The sample above is our gold
"Excellent Baptist Web Site Award." It is offered to those Baptist
churches and ministries whose web sites present the truths of God's Word
in a format that glorifies Him. Only those sites which include the
following three elements will be presented with our award: 1) True to the
Word of God including Baptist doctrine and the Baptist distinctives, 2)
A nice lay-out that is graphically pleasing and user friendly, and 3) Uplifts
the Lord Jesus Christ. |
How to Requst the Award...
The entire process
will take you less than a minute:
1. Simply click the button
below. It will bring up an e-mail form.
2. Key the word "Award" in
to the header of the e-mail.
3. Key your web site address
on the body of the e-mail.
That's all there is to it.
"Baptists" will manually
review your web site and, if it meets the above criteria, respond via e-mail
with your award attached. |
The "Baptists" Awards
Award of Excellence
Presented By
The Jesus Christ is Lord Site
Awarded January 16, 2006
The Best Christian
Website Award
Presented By
Free Christian Resources
Awarded January 25, 3006
The M-Edu Award
Presented By
The Miller Communications Group
A major web site design service
Awarded March 7, 2006
